A cool story part 3

please comment and rate so that i can continue the series.thanks every body i love you and take care!!oh and i forgot to say please please i need a LOT of comments!

this story is a good story i swear....but only if you read it to the enddddd!!!!cuz if you dont you wont get any of the story at alllll so yaa just wanted to say!!!

Created by: im a bubble

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  1. hey every one! i just wanted to say that part 3 And part 4 of this story gets very exciting.just wanted ya to know.!!thanks and enjoy..:)
  2. ......my mom said that your dads DEAD!! when i heard this i didnt know what to do!!cry,scream,laugh(lol)die,etc...so i just bursed into tears.
  3. my friend emily was pretty sad too and started crying with me.
  4. i told my mom that how did this happen??my mom said he was murdered.i cryed 2 times harder than i did before.!.!
  5. i ran up stairs with emily.i was still crying.emily said hey hey im with ya..dont cry..you count on me at anytime you want trust me.ok,i said.and she smiled at me like a good friend would.just then i heard a knock on the door.KNOCK...KNOCK...
  6. when i saw that person i could not believe my eyes!!it was john!!!!if i had anything in my mouth i would spit it right back out,i swear.john said:"i came as soon as i heard"! thats sweat of you but how did you know i live here?i said.i told him,emily said.he came up to my door and said does anyone in the name of sarah live in this neighbour hood?,emily said.and thats how i told him that you live at that house and ya....
  7. but i didnt care how he found me,it was just sweet of him for him to come to our house and know how i feel and be by my side.he hugged me and said,everythings going to be alright...he said.i promise.i hugged him back and we starting kissing for like 20 seconds.i already felt better.
  8. then my mom came up and said how are you guys doing?feeling better?? we all said yaa.but i could see my mom wasnt still finished with her crying yet.so i went and hugged her.
  9. my mom smiled at me and kissed me on the forhead.she went back down stairs.then john said:"how about we all go to the park and get some ice cream? me and emily agreed.
  10. sorry....gotta go but please comment..!!!

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