~Shout Out Quiz!~

Hai guys! I've been through a lot lately, and those of you in this quiz have always been there for me, even when my real life friends aren't. I'm glad to call GTQ my home!

Hai guys! I've been through a lot lately, and those of you in this quiz have always been there for me, even when my real life friends aren't. I'm glad to call GTQ my home.

Created by: Isabel Star

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. First Shout Out goes to... Jayfeather310! You are the best when it comes to Warriors role play, and I can count on you. Don't stop being awesome!
  2. Next we have... Twilight Fan! You were awesome on my feeling thread, and you totally deserve this. Congrats!
  3. Here we've got... heartkinz17! Abby, you are a great friend and you're super creative off and online!
  4. Next up... Shadow hegehog! You are a great friend and always cheer me up when I feel down. Thanks Shadow!
  5. OK guys, that's all for now! See you next time!!
  6. Skip
  7. Skip
  8. Skip
  9. Skip
  10. Skip

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