......LOVE STORY........(PART 1)

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Created by: Alice
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your at the mall having fun with your friends.You notice 3 hot guys staring at you. You look at them and they look away. "Come on______ let go eat" says one of your friends."Um Im not hungry you go ahead and ill shop some more ill meet you at th car" "Ok see ya later" "See ya" You went into a jewerly store and saw that the guys who were staring at you are following you. Then you suddenly pass out. You wake up in a big, beautiful room.
  2. "Where am I?" you say "Your at the mansion" someone said "Who are you?" A really hot guy walks out of the shadows you notice that it was one of the guys who was following you."Im Matt" he says. "Where am I? What do you want?" "Were sorry to kidnapp you like that but we had to protect you." "WE you mean there are more people here and who do you have to protect me from?" You see 2 more guys walk throght the door "This is Edward,and Rick" Matt said "Ok..." you say "Now who do have to protect me from?" "We dont know their exact name yet but we do know what they can do they want your powers."
  3. "My what?" you say "I know its hard to believe that you have special powers" Rick said "Do you have powers?" "Yes I can control fire Matt can control air and Rick can control water" Edward said "Really..... ok then you guysare freaking me out um can I go home now?" "You dont believe us" Matt said "Its kind of hard to believe that people can have "powers" "Ill prove it to you". Suddenly a gust of wind blew throuth the room and things started flying. "........." you cant say anything
  4. "Do you believe me now?" Matt asked "Yes..." "Ok so what can I do?" "Your more special than any of us you can control water,air,fire,and earth."
  5. "But how can the others get my powers?" If they make you trust them youll be on the evil side." "How do I know that your not evil" "You dont but you just gonna have to trust us." "Ok" you say "Were gonna let you rest today, but we have to start your training tommorow they will be coming after you and you need to now how to protect yourself incase they beat us." "Wait a minut who said I was staing here I wanna go home!" "Im sorry but we cant let you go. Now rest youll have a hard day tommorow" you sigh "Ok fine but I dont like this" they all smile. Edward and Rick went to the door Matt lets go. Ill be righ there you guys go ahead. They look at him like their mad.
  6. "______ I have to tell you something." Matt said "What?" "I like you a lot and I hope you dont leave we will train you so theothers dont get you". You were just sitting there "And dont worry we wont let anyone hurt you I promice."
  7. "Um" you say you take a deep breath "I dont really know if I like you yet. I mean you seem very nice but I just met you and you did kidnapp me so.." " Ha,ha, guess I did. Well lets wait and see maybe youll like ones you get to know me." "Maybe" you say "Ok im gonna let you rest now" "Ok" And then he kissed you
  8. Ok well thats it for now come back for part 2 it will beout soon =]
  9. I need more questions so who do you like so far
  10. dont answer this

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