*** Heartbeat ***

Ok so your name is Annabella and you're an elf with dark, almost black, brown hair. You have blue eyes that sparkle in the sun or whenever you get excited. Your smile makes most (most!) guess melt and when you laugh everyone can't help but laugh with you. You're just that kinda girl.

Ok welcome to the second paragraph! You've gotten this far without saying my quiz stinks, and I have to admit, I've made better. Way better. You should look up 'You Broke My Heart And Set Me Free' it's my best quiz so um yeah lolz. Please comment andet me know if you would like part 2 or not! I love reading your guys' comments and I'm sorry I don't have an account and can't comment on all of the great quizzes out there. My fav quizzes are 'Dont Leave Me Hanging' and some other one I just forgot the name of lolz I'll let you know that one later!

Created by: Pink_Zebra
  1. Something was tickling my neck. I swatted at it like a fly. The tickling stopped for a minute and a sank back down onto my towel, soaking up the sun. Whatever was tickling me started up again, and I flicked up my sunasses, getting a bit angry. Glaring in the general direction of what had been tickling me, I spotted a dog. Well, it's tail anyway, swishing back and forth against my neck. I smiled. How could I get aggravated at a little puppy? It was near impossible! Even for me, "The Queen of Aggrivation," or whatever they were calling me now. I picked up the fuzzy little dog and stroked his soft fur. He was a mix between a poodle and a beagle I think. Rubbing my fingers threw his chestnut brown fur I reached for where his collar was, or should have been. "Huh," I thought outloud. "You don't belong to anyone. That's one thing we have in common. (You live by yourself in a trailer in the woods.) Well, did. How would you like to come live ith me? Huh? We'd bring eachother lots of company!" I swear the beagle/poodle nodded his head. "Awesome!" I exclaimed, letting happiness coat the word. "I'll have to give you a name... Well we'll think about that later. Right now we need to get home, it's getting late."
  2. Pushing myself up off the ground, and into a standing possession, I stared at the lake spread out infront of me. It was beautiful. Small waves rocked from shore to shore, made by the breeze that floated threw the air. Whith the sunset reflecting off of the lake's cool water it was the perfect picture. If there had been a boy here it would have been better...
  3. With my foot I kicked my towel, along with my forgotten sunglasses, up from the grass and into my hands. I whistled for the dog to follow and started to walk off in the direction of home. Before long I beard the padding of tiny paws beside me. Looking down I smiled. "So you decided to come along huh?" I asked the furball down at my ankles, knowing be wouldn't answer. He did though, in a way, "Roof! Roooof!" I laughed at his 'answer' and continued to push threw the trees. I started to sing *** by *** to fill the silence. When I finished that song I sung more of his/her songs, and before long I had slipped threw the last couple of branches and was staring at my old rundown trailer. "¢yippy home at last! This means dinner..."¢ (when it's inside those dots it's you thinking.) (the three stars are for you to fill in below)
  4. My stomach growled and I was suddenly hungry, very hungry. Almost kicking down the rusty old door as I went, I dashed into the trailer. I dropped my things on the couch (I really don't know if you can have a couch in a trailer but you do) and took about 7-8 steps until I arrived in the 'kitchen'. The kitchen consisted of a sink, a fridge, and the tiniest counter that ever lived. Upon opening the fridge I scanned it's contents. All I had were carrots, lettuce, a bag of breadcrumbs, and half a gallon of chocolate milk. "¢wow I'm gonna starve"¢ I looked over at what's-his-name who was trying to catch the string for the blinds. "Silly silly puppy." I smiled and shook my head. Grabbing the carrots and luttuce I decided to make a very bland salad. (by the way you are a vegetarian like every other elf) I hop, skipped over the little dog, and over to my bed. I bit into one of the carrorts, and got in a comfortable position infront of my laptop. I got on pages and picked up writing where I left off on my report. (you have an apple) Before long I was done, the carrots were gone, my fingers hurt, and I was just plain tired. I slipped out of my clothes and into my pjs, and then under the covers. I whistled for the puppy and patted the spot beside me. He hopped up on the bedand pretty soon we were both asleep.
  5. [***You're at school now 2nd period***] I stared down at my textbook, letting all of the words blend together and jumble up in my head. I hated Health. It was stupid since, as an elf, everytime I got hurt I just healed. I think the only way I can die is if you cut off my head or something. I reached up to my ears and made sure my hair was covering my ears. It was. Glancing at the clock I reized that there were only 2 minutes of class left. "¢yes!"¢ *mentally does happy dance* After the last 2 minutes of class finally ended and the bell rang, I rushed to the door with everyone else. The teachers shrill voicE stopped me misstep. "Annabell I need to speak with you!" "¢great what does she want now?"¢ I pushed back threw the crowd of students, and walked up to Ms. Shrine's desk. "Yes Ms. Shrine?" I asked, voting the words with fake sweetness. She didn't answer, instead the blinds closed, the door locked itself, and the lights dimmed. Then a voice came from Ms. Shrine, but it wasn't hers...
  6. "I'm not Ms. Shrine." said 'Ms. Shrine' right before her skin began to bubble, and she turned into a boy about my age. He had ditty blond hair and one dark blue eye, and oneight blue one. He was wearing a black leather jacket and jeans. "I'm Jack." that was the last thing I heard before I hand closed over my mouth and someone hit me on the head, hard.
  7. *** Time Forward *** My eyelids fluttered open, and the first thng I saw was a bright bright light. I squinted and tried to reach my hand up to shade my eyes, but couldn't. I glanced down at my wrists and sighed, they were chained to the table. Taking a deep breath I concentrated all my strength on the light above me, and it burst into a million sharp glass pieces. They clatter down to the floor like rain, and a few landed on my arms and chest. I shook them off as best I could being chained down and all. Only a few seconds after that, a man, the same man from Ms. Shrine's room, barged into the room, eyes ablaze. "What was th-" he began to say, but his eyes strayed to the broken light. He shook his head and unchained my hands and feet. "Follow me." demanded Jack. "Why should I?" I retorted with a bit of sas. Jack glared at me and grabbed my shoulder, shoving me infront of him. He pushed me threw a long bleak hallway and into what looked like an interrogation room. You shoved me into a metal chair, scraping my left arm on the table. I cringed and watched as the srcape disappeared and all that was left was a little blood. Glancing at my arm Jack said, "We know what you are." I smirked. "So? Why would I care?" he frowned. "You don't understand. You are the only female elf, the only one ever." "So I'm the first what's it to you?" "you're special, really special." "I still don't get why you care" "I'll let you sleep on it, maybe you'll have one of the dreams that explain everything. Elves are known for their dreams." I scowled and let him lead me to yet another room. There was a bed in the corner and I tentivly sat down on it. It bounced a little but other then that it was rock hard. Jack pulled a shot out of his coat pocket, and jabbed it into my arm. I slumped over instantly. Before I fell asleep I felt strong hands wrap around me and move me into a more comfortable position. Then I was out cold.
  8. *** Nobody's P. O. V. *** Arthur closed his eyes and concentrated. "How many?" Derik asked, he had little patience. "The usual." Arthur replied, eyes still closed. There was silence for a few minutes, and the Arthur gasped. "What?" Kimmy asked. "They've got a new one." Arthur whisper and opened his eyes. "It's an elf." Samuel's eyes shot up from where they had been staring at the ground. "An elf? Are you sure?" he questioned eagerly. Arthur nodded, "Yeah, and it's a powerful one." Samuels eyes gleamed. For years he had thought that he was the only elf left, and now to find out that there was in fact another... It was well amazing.
  9. *** Samuels P. O. V. *** I couldn't believe it! There was another elf out there. Even if they were probably evil since they were in Jack's Fortrace, at leafs I wasn't the only one anymore. The only other elf I'd ever known was my dad Enrico, he's dead now though. "Arthur which room is the elf in? I got this one." I stated. Arthur closed his eyes and concentrated. "The west wing," he said opening his eyes slowly as if in a trance. "third from last door on the right. The hallway is probably the heaviest guarded I've ever seen. It looks as if the elf is asleep. Good luck." I looked around at the gang, no one protested, so I jumped over the wall and ran swiftly into the hidden entrance to Jack's Fortrace. *** Time Forward *** I had made my way past the guards unnoticed, and was just outside the room the elf was supposed to be in. I reached for the door knob tentivly. It was locked. Using my mind I pictured a key entering the lock and turning. Just like that the door opened. I peered inside, ready for anything. Anything but what I saw. On a bed in the far corner was a girl, A GIRL! Stepping closer I noticed that she was in fact an elf! A female elf! She began to stir and I backed up against a wall so she wouldn't see me right away. Just as my back touched the cold stone her eyes opened and she sat up. Without even letting a second pass she looked over at him. And she smiled.
  10. *** Your P. O. V. *** Jack was wrong, I didn't have a dream that explained everything, I didn't have a dream at all. However when I woke up I felt a strange presence in the room. One that reminded me of, well, ME. I turned instantly to look at the person, no, elf. I couldn't help but smile. He was cute with his dark brown hair and sparkling blue eyes. It was weird though, he looked like me, exactly like me, only he was a guy. "Yolan." I said in the native elf language. It meant hello, hi, hey, or whatever. "Y- yolan." the boy stuttered. He was obviously surprised about me being a 'female elf' or whatever. "Sed ree ac chea?" I asked in the elven language again. It meant who are you. "Ec chaera Samuel et Eesto." he replied quickly. He said "I'm Samuel or Forest. (that's his code name)" "I'm Annabella" I said switching back to sleeping English which I was a bit more familiar with. "Nice to meet you Annabella, but listen we need to leave. My gang is waiting for me outside." he said urgently. "You honestly think I'd stay here? With what's-his-toes and his guys? Um hello?!?! I just want my normal life back!" I explained hopping out of bed and running out the door. I was fast, really fast. And invisible. "wait!" Samuel/Forest called after me, but I wasn't going to. I just wanted out of here, my patience had run out.
  11. I made it outside the castle/fortrace thing before I dared slow down or show myself. And when I did I finally got to look at the fortrace. It was huge, and magnificent. Colors danced on the tall towers and many brick walls making the fortrace take on the look of a rainbow in disguise. Stainglass windows were sprinkled here and there, shining brightly in the mid-day sun. I took a couple of steps backwards in amazement, only to bump into someone. I froze and slowly turned around. It was Forest. "you scared me!" I exclaimed and awfully punched him in the arm. "Well you deserved it! You ran off." he said a smile dancing across his sturn face. "So? It's a free country." I retorted sourly. "Well just so you know you can't go back to your normal life now, ever. Jack will find you and take you prisoner again. He knows you're powerful, very powerful." "So you're basically saying that my life is pretty much over?" my eyes teared up and I choked on my words. "Not if you join us." a voice from behind me said, startling me. I whipped around only to come face to face with a girl about my age maybe older. She had blond, almost white, hair and black but bright and playful eyes. Forest stepped up beside me. "That's kimmy. Her code name is Trixy." he explained. "oh" was all I could say. Another boy appeared, along with two others. The first had red hair and dark green eyes that shone in the light. His name was Arthur and his code name was Stalker. Next was a tall blond kid with a longish pointy noes and gray eyes. He said his name was Derik and his cn was Richy. After him came a little boy who I wod guess was about 10-12. He had black hair that hung in his eyes, and deep brown eyes. His name was also Jack and his cn was Sparky. "There's one more member of our gang but he's guarding hq otherwise known as home." Richy stated with a wink. "ok sort me get this straight. I either join forces with you guys, or get hunted down for the rest of my life?" I asked just to clarify things. "yeah pretty much." Trixy stated brightly. "well I think I'm vona stick with you guys." I said. "I'll have to get a few things though, well more like one." "what?" Arthur asked. "My dog."
  12. *** Time Forward *** I had moved into the guys house and was sharing a room with Trixy. She was in charge of finding a cn for me and the puppy. So far all we had come up with were silly things that did t describe me at all. We tried a few more like Racer, Sky, No Name, and a million others. After finally giving up we decide to ask the guys later. Right now we were too busy telling stories and myths that we'd heard threwout our lives. Trixy (Kimmy) had just finished the story of why she was called Trixy, and I was about to start one about elves. Trixy (Kimmy) was called Trixy because with her black eyes she looked evil but really she was just the oppisite. "Ok so have you ever heard the myth about an elves heartbeat?" I asked. "no" Trixy (Kimmy) replied her eyebrows knotted together as she tried to remember if she had or not. "well it's said that every elf's heart beats a different number of time per minute, and that number never changes no matter what." I said with a small smirk when I saw her dumfounded expression. She quickly recovered, and grabbed my wrist. "what?!?! Ow!" I exclaimed as she pressed her forefinger and her middle finger the my wrist. "shhhhh..." Trixy (Kimmy) murmured while staring down at her watch. After a minute or so passed she looked up at me her eyes almost double their normal size. "I know what your cn should be it's perfect!" she exclaimed, obviously excited. "what?!" I nearly shouted, matching her excitement. "your cn should be..."

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