~Forbidden Love~p11

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Hey! I know I took forever to make this one but I had plenty reason to. I had the last few weeks of school and I NEEDED to get straight A’s. Plus, I had a writer’s block and stress I didn’t even need. But, hey! It’s summer now! I have plenty of time to write. I’ll get these out much faster than before. I assume you forgot the story so feel free to read the quizzes before and I put an extra bit of the last quiz on this one for you to remember. And I did a quick recap of what’s happening. So sit back and read.

Umm… here’s a cute love quote. Hoe you like it and the story! Love isn’t what makes the world go round. It’s what makes the ride worthwhile. Okay, and just so you remember, you’re behind enemy lines and probably gonna die. That’s it, thanks!

Created by: cheese1234
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Okay, so here’s the deal! The guys betrayed you and you’re taken into the enemy’s lair. You’re locked in a room with the guys and someone walked in. Who is it? Keep reading to find out.
  2. “Riley!” Luke exclaimed, “I’m so glad you could make it!” He started walking to her and stopped as she hugged him. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world!” she stated as she walked back to the doorway. You glanced at Isaac and he shook his head in disgust. Riley waved her hand, calling to Carlos, “Carlos! Over here! Now!” she commanded. She turned back to look at you and spoke, “take the boy to another room. Leave the girl here.” Jake did as he was commanded and Carlos entered the room, head down.
  3. The door was shut behind him and Riley locked it securely. You felt a bit of flattery come through your mind as she did so. Were you really so intimidating that she needed to remove your brother from the room, snap something in your knee, chain you to the wall with power-proof shackles, and put you in a room with 3 powerful men and one vampire woman? Let’s not to mention the fact that the room is made of hard metal and the door has 3 hard bolts.
  4. “Is something amusing, ______?” Luke asked. You shook your head, refusing to remove your smile. He walked up to you and pulled a strand of hair out of your face. You glared at him, dropping your smile. You looked away, glancing at Carlos. He looked the same as ever only a bit less intimidating and he looked like a servant. He dared not look anyone in the eyes. Maybe they’re forcing him to do this. But what would they have against him? He opened his mouth as he was about to say something when Riley interrupted, “Luke. Release her.” He took out a key and unlocked you.
  5. You fell to the ground, landing on your bad knee first. You held in the pain and cleared your throat. You pushed yourself up, off the ground. Riley snapped her fingers and Carlos came rushing over to you. “On your knees.” Riley demanded. You scoffed. Carlos was right behind you and he was holding your hands together behind your back. “Now!” her voice was powerful and you almost flinched. You shook your head and a smile pulled at the corner of your lips. Then you heard a whisper behind you. It was Carlos, “Please do as she says. I’m begging you.” His voice was soft and sincere. Something about it broke you inside and you slowly and carefully knelt.
  6. Riley grinned and spoke, “______ _______, the weak twin, yet, the strongest. What to do with you?” she began circling you with Carlos behind you. Luke spoke up, “We have strict instructions to take her and her brother to the Original D.B.” “Hmm… yes, I’m sure you do. Joseph is one to be so curious as to meet his enemies.” Riley said while she was examining you. You narrowed your eyes at her and she turned away. “But you see,” she began, “I received different instructions from Joseph himself.” Luke looked at her, eyes filled with curiosity. She continued, “He told me to kill her and the twin. He said it was strictly urgent and he wants me to bring him her heart.” She began to laugh, “Interesting, isn’t it? He gives us different orders. Luke, what do you think?” He hesitated before answering, “I think we should take her to him first then kill her. That way none of us are risking punishment.”
  7. “You’re a genius, Luke!” she exclaimed. He grinned cockily. Riley turned to Carlos who was on his knees, behind you. Just then, you realized that he was playing with your hands the entire time. Her intimidating voice almost made you jump, “Start taking her. Luke and I have things to discuss. We’ll meet you there in about fifteen minutes.” Carlos got up and bowed his head. He offered his hand to help you up but you managed without him. He unlocked the door and let you walk in front of him. You walked in silence until he pulled you aside into a nearby closet.
  8. “What the-“ you began. He put a finger on your lips. “Listen, we don’t have much time. I’m so sorry. I never should have been involved in this but I had to. I don’t have a choice. Here’s the plan; you need to act as if you overpowered me. There’s a secret doorway under the chair in Joseph’s lair. Go and I’ll get your brother.” “Everyone has a choice.” You whispered back to him. He shook his head, “not me.” You felt worried, “let me help you. I can help you get out of this. Are the others in the same conflict as you?”
  9. A glint of hope sparkled in your heart. He shook his head, “no. They’ve been in this business for a long time. There’s no way they’re gonna change their minds. You can’t help me. I can’t even help myself.” “You’re obviously underestimating me. What do they have against you?” you asked. His eyes looked sad, “my sister.” He pulled you out of the closet. You almost tripped and that made you angry at yourself for being so weak. You’re losing your touch and that’s not good. You felt so sad for him. They have his sister? That’s so sad! “I’m sorry. I can help! Tell me where she is.”
  10. He replied with the same tone, “I don’t even know where she is. You shouldn’t be worrying about me or my sister. Right now, you should be worrying about you and the Original D.B.” Anger built inside of you. They have his sister and he said you shouldn’t be worrying about that. “What does that even mean?” you said with a hint of frustration in your voice. He sighed, “The Original D.B. is the vampire who started the gang in the first place. He made all of it happen in the beginning. He sent my sister away from me.”
  11. “And the Original D.B. is Joseph?” you asked. “Yes. And you should be very afraid.” You couldn’t help but scoff, “he’s the one sending people to kill valuable where-tigers and threatening wizards to work for him. He’s a coward. He should be afraid.” A grin pulled at the corner of his mouth and it disappeared as quickly as it came. “How old is she?” you asked. “Now? She should be about fourteen.” He replied. “Do you remember her?” You asked quietly. “Yeah. It was about four years ago when they took her. She was brushing her hair in her room and I was getting ready for school.
  12. She was so pretty. She had short black and hazel eyes. She was always optimistic. Every time I was in a bad mood, she always found a way to make me smile.” He had on a full out grin. It disappeared, “Then they came in and took her. They were going to kill me and take her at first but I volunteered to take her place because I was a much stronger wizard. They said they’d use her when her full powers were developed. Our family always developed powers quickly. If only I knew where she was. I need her.”
  13. “She’s probably so powerful by now.” You commented. “If I let you go, will you help me?” He asked. The first thing that slipped out of your mouth was, “Why should I help you? You helped kill my family, you helped capture me, and you helped imprison me. I won’t even mention the worst.” He pushed you to take a left turn. Then someone called out his name, “Carlos! Stop!” he turned along with you bowed his head. You realized it was Riley and your eyes turned red. Carlos lowered his head then grabbed yours. He pushed it down and you grunted. “Joseph called. We have orders to take the girl to room #902. She will be killed by his hand in that room. No questions asked.”
  14. “Yes, Riley.” He spoke. “Dismissed”. She snapped her fingers and walked off. You snapped your teeth at his hand as he removed it from the back of your head. He led you down a much longer hallway. You walked in silence for a few minutes. Then he spun you around till you were facing him and next thing you know, you were leaning on the wall. His arms trapped you from escaping as he leaned over you, merely inches from your face. If he’d noticed the little breathing space, he ignored it. Then he spoke, “I only did all those things for my sister and you know that. So there is no ‘worst part’ and you can’t count it.” He said strictly. Your blood boiled. You didn’t like people speaking to you with that tone. “Want to bet?”
  15. He tightened his lips and remained silent. You spoke, “you lied to me. You let them torture me. You let them trick me and the streak and my brother. But most of all, it wasn’t something you let them do or helped them do.” your voice softened at the last sentence and remained soft, “It’s something you did yourself.” His tone almost matched yours as he spoke, “and what would that be?” You glanced up to his beautiful eyes, “you made me fall in love with you.” His gaze softened. You didn’t even realize his body was tense until you felt him relax it.
  16. You two gazed into each others’ eyes for what felt like hours. “I don’t see how that could hardly be any problem.” He said quietly with a smile. You eyes saddened, “the problem is that it was never real for you.” You pushed him away and continued walking. Having the love of your life escort you to your execution wasn’t exactly your idea of a peaceful death. But after this embarrassing (and cheesy) scenario, death sounds pretty good. You were looking at all the rooms until the hallway lead to a swirling stairwell. The numbers on the rooms were counting down. #905, #904, #903, #902… Carlos gripped the doorknob. It turned and…Cliffhanger!!!!!

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