"Are You Like Me?" Quiz

This is mostly a quiz for all my friends on MySpace that I wanted to see how much they are like me. I'm fine with anyone that doesn't know me to take it, but don't think you will like it.

If you do good on this, I'm glad for you...but this is just for fun...don't take it too personally...I hope that you will like it though because it is the first one i've made on this website...

Created by: vtrisa

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are going to the video/game store...you are going to get a game..what is it?
  2. You are going to play one of your game systems: Your PS3, You Xbox 360, or your Wii...which do you play?
  3. What is your favorite genre of games?
  4. You have delayed doing your project that is due in 2 days..what do you do?
  5. How much of your homework do you do?
  6. If you had a pet animal, what would it be?
  7. What is your favorite color?
  8. Would you like to be a telepath?
  9. What is your favorite subject in school?
  10. What is your favorite food?

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Quiz topic: "am I Like Me?" Quiz