7 minutes in heaven

Please do not report me this is my very first 7 minutes in heaven quiz. So, there is jake he is sooooo dirty, Nathan is ok, and Bret wants your boobs and p***.

Please do not report me this is my very first 7 minutes in heaven quiz. So, there is Jake he is soooo DIRTY, nathan is ok, Bret wants your boobs and p***.

Created by: Horsehogger
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You go to a party and there's going to be 7 minutes in heaven. You will wear...
  2. Pick a letter
  3. Pick a number
  4. Pick one
  5. Have you had sex before?
  6. Would you prefer......
  7. Do you like boys that are...
  8. How big are your boobs?
  9. How big is your p---- ?
  10. This does not count

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