2007 Holidays -- ie: Valentines Day, Christmas, etc

There are many holidays in the year. But how many do you really truly know about? Many people celebrate holidays but couldn't tell you important things. I could tell you the answers now . . . but better wait until after the test is over.

Do you KNOW the HOLIDAYS of 2007??? Can YOU score BETTER that a 78%?? Once you have completed this quiz impress your parents, friends, kids, husband, BF, GF, wife, sisters, brothers, and teachers with this info.

Created by: M
  1. Labor Day was when?
  2. The 6th anniversary of The Trade Towers falling was/is when?
  3. When was/is Columbus Day?
  4. Canada's Remembrance Day is on November 11. Which US Holiday is on this day?
  5. Martin Luther King, J. Day was on January 15th. What day of the week was it on?
  6. O.K. An easy one: When is New Years?
  7. December 26 is Boxing Day (USA)
  8. "Presidents' Day" What is wrong with that phrase?
  9. Passover is how many days before Good Friday?
  10. Easter is the __________ after Good Friday?
  11. When is my birthday?
  12. Victoria Day is on May 21st. Whose holiday is this?
  13. When is Canada Day?
  14. When is my 1/2 birthday?
  15. Labor Day was on September 3rd. Whose was it?
  16. Which 2 are o the same day?
  17. Kwanzaa is on the same day as what?
  18. Father's Day is in June. What is the date?
  19. Mother's Day is in May, its date (ie, 17) is how many days after/before?

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