Zombie Survival Quiz

Do you know what a zombie is? Do you know how well you will fare against the rising dead? Do you wonder whether or not you will become zombiebip? This is where you can answer your questions...

This quiz was created by the foremost zombie experts, thinking around the clock of ways to counter the undead, and ensure that no threat will ever exterminate man.

Created by: Chris
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You decide to pack a kit of supplies. What is in it?
  2. Which weapon would you prefer?
  3. When the outbreak occurs, what do you do?
  4. How large is your group while you are defending an area?
  5. Which of these areas do you live in?
  6. What size group do you travel in?
  7. You come across someone who has been bitten. Do you...
  8. You are surrounded by zombies. You have a baseball bat. What do you do?
  9. How well can you fight?
  10. How well can you fix things?
  11. What is the best form of transportation?
  12. You find another group of survivors. What do you do?
  13. How do you kill a zombie?
  14. How fast does a zombie move?
  15. Can zombies manipulate items, such as doorknobs or switches?
  16. Can zombies go underwater for extended periods of time?
  17. There are two zombies, each coming from separate directions. You are in the city, and one zombie is farther from the other. You see no other zombies... what do you do?
  18. When you raid a building, what do you take?

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