your superhero date tonight

hmm bore of sitting alone ,try my dating quiz you may get your dream man but keep in mind my precautions.And this quiz is for girls but guys can take it to see which hero are they like.

and guys please give comments as this is my first quiz and if you like then i will make more.As it is my first quiz i choose super heroes, cause i was a big fan of them once!!! hope you like it.

Created by: evil beauty
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. hey ,first tell me your favorite color????
  2. what about fav food?
  3. so do you read superhero comics?
  4. what will you wear for your first date????
  5. so whom do you like(no effect)
  6. so how would you act on your date?
  7. so where to go for the date??
  8. how do you want the guy to look like?
  9. so how is your hair?
  10. did you like the quiz???

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Quiz topic: My superhero date tonight