Your sonic life

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Hey people! Say hi guys..Sonic cast exept shadow:hiii!Me: Say hi shadow. Shadow: No. Sonic: aw come on, faker.Shadow: Your the faker around here!Silver: Cant u just s- Shadow and Sonic: SHUT UP!!Silver:WELL F**K YOU!!Me: Shut up! Anyway enjoy the quiz!

I hope you get what you want and these characters are made up by me and the second one has Psychokinesis I forgot to put it in there! Anyway enjoy the quiz!:] :] :] :] :] [My second quiz that I aculally finished!]

Created by: Vanessa
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your speises
  2. Favorite color
  3. Role Play time!
  4. You are walking down the street when you walked by silver,sonic and shadow. Then they jump up and fight over who will go on a date with you. Your reaction...,
  5. Who do you choose
  6. Whoever you chose you had a great time and he asked you to be his girlfriend!Who is it and what is your response...,
  7. You got captured by egghead! Who is going to save you?
  8. The guy is so happy you where alive..and kissed you!Your reaction?
  9. If your date could take you anywhere where would you go?
  10. If Jet[he's a f**king prick!]Is trying to flirt with you but you already have a boyfriend,what would you do?

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Quiz topic: My sonic life You can find more quizzes like this one in our Sonic the Hedgehog Quiz category.