your inner warrior cat2

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you are a good person you get a million dollers! just kidding! I hope you got what you wanted! there were only three and they were brambleclaw scorge and fethertail.

you are a cat what a suprise! not really but which cat are you my qwiz gets really weird at the end but its still good I hope you get scorge! ha ha ha!

Created by: clawtail
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what coler is your fur?
  2. what's your clan?
  3. your personality?
  4. persanality2?
  5. what posison in the clan are you?
  6. do you have a mate?
  7. what would you name you kit.
  8. whos your fav elder?
  9. wdsegdfgsdfsdfsdfdg?
  10. bacon

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Quiz topic: My inner warrior cat2