Your Harry Potter date!

Yay Harry Potter who will you date one person one you which one i like Draco Malfoy but who knows who you like made by WitchyWonders hope you enjoy love you.

Do you like someone or someone likes you made y the best quiz maker of Harry Potter WitchyWonders hopey youie iny enjoyie love you so much. love you sorry i had to add more...

Created by: WitchyWonders
  1. Witch or wizard
  2. Who do you like most?
  3. What is your Hogwarts house?
  4. You went in to the forbidden forest on a dare and found Cedic what do you do?
  5. Do you like this quiz?
  6. What animal would you take to Hogwarts?
  7. What is your fave animal?
  8. Who is your fave person in Harry Potter
  9. Do you like WitchWonders Quiz's?
  10. I had to add one more Question: Do you like cats?

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Quiz topic: My Harry Potter date!
