Your chances to be an Avatar (ATLA test)

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Hi there! There is the test for fans of "The Avatar the Last Airbender" and "The Legend of Korra". I saw plenty of tests like "what is your element" but I've never seen the "Are you an Avatar one?" so I decided to create it!

Whatever the results would be, I believe that you are amazing as a bender or a non-bender. Avatar is the master of all the 4 elements so this quiz is NOT supposed to be focused in any of them.

Created by: Axel1800
  1. Let's begin with something not related to mastering elements. Do you have siblings?
  2. So let's go next. Do your parents bend the same element?
  3. Do you have a favorite among your pets?
  4. Would you like to play with a hog-monkey?
  5. Would you like to play with a clay turtle?
  6. Would you like to play with a toy whirligig?
  7. Would you like to play with a drum?
  8. Are you good at swimming?
  9. Are you good at gardening?
  10. How often do you meditate?
  11. Do you practice matrial arts?
  12. And the last question! (Sorry, the hard one)Do you feel related to Asian culture?

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Quiz topic: My chances to be an Avatar (ATLA test)
