you as a demigod

have you wonderd what you really are? Well take this simple,fun,and easy quiz. You could be Shilo or Lisa. Withever you will still be a demigod!Thanks for taking the quiz!

Is your life a tiny bit diffrent then evreybody else. Well then your a demi god! C.H.B. (camp Half Blood).you never really have freinds or you have one parent! Please comment.

Created by: lily
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like family pet's?
  2. have you went under the waves?
  3. do you like seaweed?
  4. clouds?
  5. you like math
  6. doom happens
  7. favorite color
  8. snack
  9. can you swim?
  10. hills

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