Yarden Tsur Quiz

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Let's see how well do you know about Yarden Tsur. Test yourself and try to get to the 100% score. Good Luck! and never forget Yarden Tsur is the best musician and we love her

Are you a fan of Yarden Tsur? Do have all Yarden Tsur's music in your iPod? Do you know the lyrics of her 700 songs she wrote? This is your time to test yourself!

Created by: jenna
  1. Where is Yarden Tsur From?
  2. Yarden Tsur is playing piano by ear
  3. What is Yarden Tsur first single
  4. How many siblings does Yarden Tsur have?
  5. When was Yarden Tsur born?
  6. What is Yarden Tsur's favorite color?
  7. is Yarden Tsur a righty or a lefty?
  8. What year was Yarden Tsur born in?
  9. What does the name Yarden means in english?
  10. How Tall Is Yaredn Tsur?

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