Xattenger Quiz ONE

This quiz will determine if you should be a member on thehomeroom of xat. You must earn a score of 51% or high to pass. And you are timed. Goodluck.

Are you ready? You better be because as soon as I gave you the link the timer starts. So reading this might be wasting your time. Soooo... HURRY THE HECK UP.

Created by: UNKNOWN of this site
(your link here more info)
  1. How do you assign a group power?
  2. How do you log into your registered account?
  3. What do you do when someone does something bad?
  4. What do you do when someone has a question?
  5. How well do you know about the xat powers?
  6. If you have superkick and a banned person doesnt go to BANNED. What do you do?
  7. Why do you want to be a member?
  8. Whats a xat I.D for?
  9. Do you own a chat?
  10. What power are you REQUIRED to have to earn Member?

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