Would you survive the zombie apocolypse?

Surviving the zombie apocolypse. It would be very dangerous indeed, but do you have what it takes to survive the ordeal? Find out by taking this quiz.

So COULD you survive. Many people assume or wish they could. Its all a matter of choices. This will put you to the test on making the right choice or becoming a zombie...

Created by: Ray Ace
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You wake up to see a man at your door. He is all bloody and is walking around in a drunk way. What do you do?
  2. No matter what you chose he breaks in and starts wandering around. He spots you and starts limping towards you. Act fast!
  3. You end up shooting him and he dies. You see ten more coming to your door. What do you do?
  4. You try to shoot but there are too many. You run outside onto the pavement. There are more coming from the forest. Where do you go?
  5. Too many zombies are coming from the forest and the house next to yours is locked. You head to town. On the way there, you see a man running towards you. He looks alive, but hurt. What do you do?
  6. There are too many zombies coming from the direction of your house and you are out of gun ammunition so you ask the man for help. He says there has been a zombie outbreak but the government will come to rescue people in two days at a town 20 miles away.
  7. You decide he is trustworthy and follow him. He leads you to a nearby store where you find lots of guns and first aid. What do you take as a primary weapon?
  8. There are melee weapons, too. What do you take?
  9. You and the man keep going. He tells you his name is William. He also says that he knows where survivors would be hiding. Do you follow him?
  10. William insists on you going, but you say you want to survive and get to town. William gets frustrated and pulls out his gun. Luckily, it has no more ammo. He pulls out the katana he took. What do you do?
  11. You decide to shoot him, since it is a easier way to survive without getting injured. You take his supplies. What do you take?
  12. Continuing on your way, you reach a town. From a distance, you can see it is full of zombies. Luckily there is a ladder to the top of one of the buildings. There are people up there.
  13. The path away from the town is full of more zombies. You take the ladder up to the top of one of the buildings. The people greet you with caution. What do you do?
  14. You try to befriend them and it works! They allow you to join them. There are four of them: A child and three adults. You tell them about the rescue and they believe you. From there it is 15 miles away. It is getting late, though.
  15. You decide to shelter there for the night and leave early tomorrow morning. The building seems to be cleared of zombies and they cant get in from the outside. The next morning you wake up to find a zombie breaking through a window. It gets in and the rest follow. There are hundreds.
  16. You get back onto the roof and safety. Your group then climbs down the ladder and continues off the main path to reach the safe zone. On the way there you encounter a horde of zombies coming from your left and right.
  17. You run into the forest since there are too many zombies to take on. You run in and find one adult from the group missing. Its okay, though. There are still four of you. You rendez-vous with the path and continue down it for about five miles, fighting zombies on your way. Once out of the forest you realize you have been bitten.
  18. You use first aid to prevent yourself from becoming a zombie. Nice one. You are more than halfway there now, only 7 miles to go. However, yoh are running out of food. You spot a cabin on the side of the road.
  19. You send two people in. They come out with a lot of food. Great! You continue on the pathway leading to the safe zone. 2 miles left. You hear shouting. You look behind you to see a group of people with guns running at you!
  20. You run. Too bad for your group members. They are slow. All you care about is your own survival in this situation. You dont look back to see the massacre. You just keep running. The safe zone. Its right ahead of you.
  21. You keep running. There is no turning back now. Finally, you get to the safe zone. There are no helicopters or military men though... find out if you survived or not...

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