Would you survive in the woods

You are lost in the wilderness. You have no idea where your parents are. What is surviving? Surviving is facing off against dangers and coming through, no matter how battered and weak you really are.

Are YOU one of those survivors? You may know a little about the woods, but haven't payed much attention. On the other hand, you may be a strong swimmer, pushing yourself to the limits. This quiz will define you as Surviving, Maybe Surviving, or Dying. Have fun!

Created by: Pansypetal
  1. One day, you decided to go into the nearby woods. Suddenly, you saw hunters. The woods are nearby. Response?
  2. Whatever answer you chose, you went into the woods. What do you do?
  3. After a week, you hear crackling. It is a forest fire! Response?
  4. Whatever answer you chose, you escaped, and you found another forest. You've already made a shelter. What now?
  5. It is night now. Your prayer?
  6. It is morning. What do you do?
  7. You are walking, looking for kill, when you see some little, red berries near your trail. Do you eat them?
  8. A few weeks later, you get ill. What do you do?
  9. You are out one day, and you see some hunters. What do you do?
  10. Last but not least, you run out of berries. Now what?

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