Would you survive at EVCA Moriarty NM?

EVCA is a school in Moriarty New Mexico. It is a place where your survival instincts are put to the test. There are only about on hundred to two hundred who can survive.

Will you survive in tough times? Think high school is tough? If your a strong willed person, you may survive, but you never know. It is tougher than it seems.

Created by: Kylo-ren

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What are your political views?
  2. Are you pro-gay
  3. What kind of school do you attend?
  4. What do you do if you get made fun of?
  5. What are your grades in public school?
  6. Are you on welfare?
  7. Are you a nice person?
  8. Are you racist?
  9. How are you socially at a public school?
  10. Do you respect authority? Do you at least not attack it directly?
  11. Are you fat?
  12. are you a trouble maker?
  13. Do you like couple dances?
  14. Can you read?
  15. Are you fine with your school looking like a prison camp?
  16. Are you fine with detention as a punishment?

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