Would You Survive A Zombie Apocalypse?

Hope you had fun taking this awesome quiz. Maybe you could learn a little about yourself or how to have some fun. Remember to have confidence and work hard.

Thanks. Hope you enjoyed. Zombies will never exist though probably. The walking dead won't exist. So now you can sleep peacefully without the lights on.

Created by: none of ur beeswax

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You come across a mall. Weapons are going fast and you can only choose one before the survivors get the rest.
  2. Which shelter is the best to go to?
  3. Your shelter becomes overrun by zombies after a few weeks. You need a vehicle.
  4. A group of survivors sees you with your newly acquired food, medicine, and water. They demand the supplies or they will kill you. You...
  5. What position do you have in your group?
  6. Most of your group is dead. Your vehicle has no gas and there is none nearby. All you have left is your weapon, two cans of beans, and a half a bottle of water. What do you do now?
  7. you make it 5 months since it began. Supplies are low and there aren't many people left in your area. You only have a weapon left. You...
  8. Which of these ways is smartest to follow?
  9. you find yourself in a large city. the streets are crawling with zombies. You...
  10. You finally come across a large group of survivors in a rural area. You decide to join them. They say that they are going to go west because they saw a community there, but you remember seeing more zombies than there were people in your city before it started. You...

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