Would you rather be a werewolf or a vampire?

WOULD YOU RATHER be a wampire of a verewolf? Oups, I meant Vampire and Werewolf. These two ancient enemies definitely have different traits. In which category do you fit?

WOULD YOU RATHER be a wampire of a verewolf? Oups, I meant Vampire and Werewolf. These two ancient enemies definitely have different traits. In which category do you fit? OHAI!

Created by: pai.plm
  1. What's your skin color? (scale white 1-6 black)
  2. If a friend of yours would call you to help him to hide a corpse, what would you do?
  3. How would you spend a free evening?
  4. What would you do with 1000$?
  5. How many REAL friends do you think you have?
  6. What sport do you prefer? (among these)
  7. What's your favorite character? (among these)
  8. How does your favorite living place look like?
  9. What thing did you do with your friends? (among these; just choose one)
  10. If you were to choose an animal to morph into, what would it be?

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