Would You Be a Good Hamster Owner?

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Me/K: Hello, everyone! Here is a quiz to see how much ya know about hamsters and if you would be a good hamster owner. If you wanna learn more, what Victoria Raechel's channel!

Me/K: Also, I just want you to know, I have hamster experience, I even have hamsters rn and I did research before I got one so don't worry, I love to learn things about animals so please don't look anything up for this and ENJOY!!!

Created by: Sonic Tails Lf
  1. Me/K: BTW, I am a hamster owner myself, I have hamster experience and I did my research before I ever got a hamster
  2. Me/K: First off, Hamsters sleep at...
  3. Me/K: Should you wake up a hamster?
  4. Me/K: Hamsters are....(This is VERY important, a lot of people get this wrong)
  5. Me/K: How many inches does a Hamster need of a cage at least? (This is also mistaken)
  6. Me/K: Are Pet store cages good cages?
  7. Me/K: Are tanks like for fish good cages for hamsters?
  8. Me/K: Do you know the difference between a female and male hamster? (BE HONEST)
  9. Me/K: Your hamster is in Torpor, what do you do?
  10. Me/K: Should you put hamsters in water?
  11. Me/K: Your hamster is moving, your walking past the cage and they stop, their breathing, but they stop and stare, what do you do?
  12. Me/K: True or False: Avocado is safe for hamsters
  13. Me/K: Is cotton safe for hamsters?
  14. Me/K: How many times should you clean a hamster's cage?
  15. Me/K: Do you take out all the bedding when changing a hamster cage or leave some?
  16. Me/K: Should you keep hamsters together?
  17. Me/K: How long do Hamsters live?
  18. Me/K: Can you use dog chews as Hamster chews?
  19. Me/K: Can hamsters climb?
  20. Me/K: True or False: Hamster's teeth continue to grow
  21. Me/K: Should you put Hamsters in outfits?
  22. Me/K: Are hamster balls TRULY safe? (People mistake this too, their are reasons)
  23. Me/K: How would you treat your hamster?
  24. Me/K: Also, if you are interested in getting a hamster or wanna learn more about them anyway, I recommend watching Victoria Raechel's YouTube Channel to learn about them and she has lots of hamster experience. I still think you should watch her videos and do some research yourself, just to let ya know.
  25. Me/K: Another thing, I do NOT recommend buying hamsters from Pet Stores bc animals there, they get poor care and end up dying. So, it works like this, you buy a hamster, Petsmart will think you support it, then they will continue to do this and animals will die while others are born. I recommend to buy hamsters and other animals from Pet stores with farms or shelters. If you already got an animal from Pet Stores, you can change and stop. So, I just wanted to let you know to keep the animals safe.
  26. Me/K: Hope you enjoyed! That's all for today! BOI!!! Do you think you would be a good hamster owner? (NO EFFECT)

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