Would I date you? (guys only)

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Would I date you? Would I like you alot? Would I fall in love with you? Would I friend zone you? or would I not even consider dating you? ____________

Take my quiz and find out_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Created by: taywentz12
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Where would you take me on our first date?
  2. Whats your high school stereotype?
  3. How would you approach me when first seeing me?
  4. How funny are you?
  5. Will you pressure me to "do the nasty" with you?
  6. You are mostly...
  7. How do you kiss?
  8. Its our 2 year anniversary, what do you do for me?
  9. How would you propose?
  10. What kind of music do you listen to?

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