Would I date you(guys only)

Find out if you are dateable in my book. It isnt a hard quiz and it is only 14 questions long! Plus 2 of them are not even questions! So go ahead, skip the next pargraph and start taking the quiz!

I told you to skip this paragraph. I seriously have nothing left to say so stop reading this. Are you kidding me? Why are you still reading this? Do you not have a life or something? Well I guess thanks for reading my random babble for you to stop reading!

Created by: NiallsBiggestFan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. First of all, to me looks dont matter, so I am not going to ask what color hair you have and junk! Okay?
  2. Are you a video game person?
  3. Favorite color?
  4. Which statement is most true for you?
  5. Are you a player?
  6. Are you an animal lover?
  7. I am a blond. Do you like blonds?
  8. Favorite type of movie
  9. Do you talk a lot?
  10. Favorite Superhero?
  11. Why are you taking this quiz
  12. (Does not affect score at end) Are you going to comment/ rate
  13. Bye!(:

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