Would I date you? (boys)

Could you date me? (You know, if I actaully knew you irl. My fake name will be Tiffany in this. It's not really Tiffany. That would be a cool name though.


Created by: kay625kay

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Let's say that there is this girl named Tiffany and you've had a crush on her forever. How would you ask her out?
  2. OK so Tiffany said yes to the date. Where would you take her?
  3. You're taking Tiffany home. You're on the front door step and she's obviously waiting for a kiss. What would you?
  4. OK I hate to play the pick card, but what d you wear?
  5. What would you do if you found out your gf was cheating on you WITH YOUR BEST FRIEND?
  6. If your suspicious that your gf has been sexting another guy what would you do?
  7. OK so...do you date girls because of their looks?
  8. What would you do if you saw someone bullying a person? (I know it may sound off topic but, trust me, it's not.)
  9. okay two questions left.
  10. OK this one has no effect. How did you like the quiz?

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