Would I date you?

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I'm trying to find my match, take this quiz to find out what the chance of us dating is. Comment your email as well, my email will be in the parting words at the end of the quiz. Have fun!

Are you my match! Could we date? Take this quiz to find out if we would date. Also remember to comment your email, and my email will be in the parting words at the end of the quiz! Thanks.

Created by: JinxesShadow
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How old are you? ( I will date ages 12-14)
  2. Is your hair short, medium or long? I like boys with medium lenghth hair, but I also like short and long hair.
  3. What do you consider yourself?
  4. Would you love me for who I was?
  5. Where would we go on a date?
  6. What would you do if we were alone?
  7. What would you get me for Valentine's Day?
  8. What would you get me for Christmas?
  9. What would you get me for my birthday?
  10. What color is your skIn? ( not trying to be racist)
  11. What color are your eyes?
  12. What color is your hair?
  13. Comment your email and rate please! (Comment email so I can email you and we can talk :) ! )

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