Would I date u (guys only that r 14-17)

Some can date me and some can not want to see if you can come right up and take my test ha nice bye and another bye have fun with you are sorry life see you

Another one how many all I do is type and be bored help i am firing here please just minding my own random business when u came along and blew me away

Created by: Homicidal_tacos

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. R u cuuuuute
  2. Would u listen to everything I have to say?????
  3. Would u give me cute nicknames?????
  4. Ok don't wanna Gibran this quiz so
  5. Dog
  6. Muhahaha
  7. Minecraft
  8. Fjbffv
  9. Funds
  10. Fu duh

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