Hi! Welcome to my quiz! You'll be able to find out which dragon you are out of Mica - The sensible, Mason - The warrior, Savannah - The fierce and Satin - The Quiet

Please enjoy the quiz! And remember, if you don't get who you like, don't fret! You can always do the quiz again or try a different one! Enjoy!!!!!!!!

Created by: google
  1. RP - It's your first day at Jade Mountain Academy. A young SkyWing approaches you and asks to be your friend. What do you say?
  2. What's your favourite colour?
  3. Do you have any siblings?
  4. Do you have any dead family members that could still be alive now?
  5. Do you look like your parents?
  6. RP - You spot a dragon being bullied. What do you do?
  7. Are you a boy or girl?
  8. RP - You're trapped against a wall and someone is threatening you to give them something. They say they'll kill you if you don't. What do you do?
  9. RP - You get a C+ on your history test and your best friend receives an B+. How do you react?
  10. Do you easily make friends?

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