Witch Friends Character Are You?

Do you love friends?!? WELL then do this quiz find out witch character you are!, if you want that is, Find out if your Rachel Monica Phoebe, Chandler Ross And Joey.

If you do love friends, then spend a few minutes to check this out see who you would be!, Remember just for fun!, Learn who you could be in less then 5 minutes!.

Created by: Clara Jade
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If your friend was dating someone younger then there self how would you react?
  2. What's your trait? (Out of these)
  3. What would be your wedding theme? If you could chose?
  4. What's your favorite food?
  5. Are you a romantic?
  6. What kind of job do you want?
  7. Do you like adult films?
  8. Who would you marry?
  9. Who is your favorite side character?
  10. Who's your favorite character?
  11. Do you love friends?!

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Quiz topic: Witch Friends Character am I?