witch dragon ball z character are you

with this you will be able to find out witch dragon ball z character you are. are goku are you buu i don't know i guees you will have to take th quiz.

do you have what it takes to be dragon ball z character because if you are take the quiz and find out. it is only 12 questions long. you can do it.......oh yeah

Created by: colton
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how do you deal with friends
  2. faverite subject in school
  3. what specail ability would you have
  4. who's your faverite saiyon
  5. whats your faverite move
  6. whats your faverite finisher
  7. whats your faverite girl on the show
  8. do you have any brothers or sisters
  9. if your friend was dying what would you do
  10. do you want a tail
  11. would you rather be majin or not

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Quiz topic: Witch dragon ball z character am I