wings of fire love story#1- for boys

OK. hi its me again, Luke i'm changing the name so if you like my quizzes,DO NOT WORRY. the new name is wings of fire, thanks. you might get it,maybe.

second paragraph. so this is a wings of fire love story, ok. not for girls, sorry. i will make a girl one. (: no worries. at all. so now i don't feel sorry for girls. OK...

Created by: wings of fire
  1. second day at the academy. what do you think?
  2. you are going to class and run into a mudwing named mud.he yells "WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING STUPID SKYWING!".what do you do?
  3. soon you get to class and realize your in the wrong class when class starts.what are going to do?
  4. soon classes are over and the book you get from the library is a book about Albatross. as soon as you read the book you can't sleep.what would you do?
  5. then you wake up real early. so you do a walk around the school.soon you bump into stone. a skywing girl. what do you do?
  6. at library. you return your book. and get a new one that's less scary. then stone walks up to you and says "hi, what were you doing in the hall so early". what do you do?
  7. after that you go to the bathroom, come out, and go to class. then you are partnered up with mud. what are going to do?
  8. now you head to your own room and read. now you go explain everything to stone. what do you say?
  9. it's a new day. now you go to history class and have to sing a song. your teacher says to sing it. but you think someone might laugh at you while the class is singing with you. what are you going to do?
  10. now who do you like!?

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