wings by Aprilynne Pike

Many Wings experts set out for a quiz to test their knowlege but only very few find one. thats why I've created a wings quiz for you today!! Have fun doing my quiz!

Do u know wings well? Well test out your knowlege with this quiz. You can have fun while putting your knowlege to the test! I hope you enjoy your results!

Created by: Kathaka
  1. have you read the book?
  2. What is the main charecters name?
  3. what/who is the enimy?
  4. what dose the enimy want?
  5. where dose the main charecter come from?
  6. What is the the main charecter?
  7. who is the main charecters boyfriend?
  8. who are the main charecters friends?
  9. what dose the main charecter find on their self?
  10. Who is the book by?
  11. Is this a good book?
  12. Dose the main charecter goto the beach?
  13. what is the main charecters main problem(s)?
  14. how old is the main charecter?
  15. Where dose the main charecter live?
  16. how old is her crush?
  17. dose she live in 2 worlds?
  18. dose she have a boyfriend?
  19. Dose she have mixed feelings?
  20. Dose she ever goto where she came from (in this book)?

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