Will You Survive the Nuclear Holocaust?

The nukes have fallen! Civilization as we know it is lost amongst a blazing inferno! Billions are dead and the world's in utter Chaos! You are among only a handful of survivors. Do you have what it takes to survive the coming fallout?

You have survived the nuclear blast! But can you survive the bloody aftermath? Push your skills to the limits, as you test your courage, wits, and strength in a world that's been nuked into madness?

Created by: Lenzy Williams
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You turn on the news, nukes are falling everywhere! What do you Do?
  2. You emerge from your shelter into the smoldering ruins. What do you do?
  3. You need supplies. Where do you go?
  4. Survivors are getting violent, you need a weapon. What do you chose?
  5. Bullets don't last forever. You need a renewable weapon. You choose...
  6. You can't live amongst the ruins forever. You MUST leave, but what mode of transportation will you use?
  7. Along your travels you encounter a child suffering from radiation poisoning. What do you do?
  8. Money is useless! You need something to barter with other surviving nomads. What do you chose?
  9. While en route, You are attacked by a group of radioactive cannibals! How do you respond?
  10. After days of empty wasteland, you see a village on the horizon, it looks like they have food & technology. What do you do?
  11. You come upon a Slave-Market in the ruins of an old city. You need a companion for the road ahead. Who do you buy?
  12. Your arm has been BITTEN during a mutant attack! It's INFECTED! How do you treat your wound?
  13. What motivates you to keep fighting and continue staying alive within the chaotic world?
  14. You encounter a gang of wayward bandits! They demand "tribute" for safe passage. What do you do?

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Quiz topic: Will I Survive the Nuclear Holocaust?