Will you survive an Apocalypse

The apocalypse is coming, be it today, tomorrow, or 100 years, it's coming. Be it zombie, earthquake, volcano, or nukes. People will die by the millions.

Will you survive? You got to have plans, street smarts, and knowledge of how the world works. Most of you will die, but a few will survive, and rebuild society. Could you be one?

Created by: Squall
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How physically fit are you?
  2. Weapon of choice: Ranged
  3. Weapon of choice: Melee
  4. Are you skilled with the weapons you picked?
  5. Where is your shelter/base?
  6. How big is your group?
  7. How far could you run, if needed
  8. You are attacked by thugs. They demand $100 or they will attack you. How do you respond?
  9. How bad is radiation to you.
  10. Your best friend has been bitten by a zombie. What do you do?
  11. Speaking of zombies, how do you kill them.
  12. What is the best place for supplies, and why?
  13. A nearby volcano erupted, what now?
  14. Do you trust the government you have?
  15. You are part of a group trying to restore civilization. They will kill people who can't provide anything. Do you have any skills?
  16. Do you prefer peace, or violence?
  17. Do you have any major fears?
  18. How trusting are you of others?
  19. Free Question (Doesn't affect score) Favorite animal?
  20. Favorite drink?
  21. Would you eat raw meat?
  22. You are allowed to grab one thing from these 5 things. What do you grab?
  23. Are you lazy and/or try to get out of work?
  24. Quick! 2+2 is....
  25. What medical condition do you have?
  26. Are you a reliable person?
  27. Final Question: Let's say you survived. What's your first course of action?
  28. Ok this is really last Who's your partner?

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Quiz topic: Will I survive an Apocalypse