Will you survive a haunted house?

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Hey guys! Hey girls, too! Have any of you ever wondered if you could survive a haunted house? This quiz will tell you! It might be scary… be prepared!!!!

If any of you are too scared, I understand. You might die! But don’t worry, most of you should stay alive and sane. That is… if you dare! Good luck to all!

Created by: ShadowFigure3000
  1. Your friends knock on your door and suggest that you take a walk with them. One of them blurts out that they are going to an overgrown forest that no one has been to before. You say….
  2. If you said no they will leave, go to the end and submit answers. Your friends get to an old house. The bricks are crumbling. The windows are cracked, and glass is under your feet.
  3. If you ran away you are dead go to the end. If you went inside, three doors are presented to you. The first has a skeleton painted in blood, the second has a sword painted in silver, and the third has a yellow star. Which do you choose?
  4. If you chose the skull or the blade you are dead go to the end. If you chose the star, you find yourself in a hallway with a balding man holding a whip. Your best friend is tied to a chair with a roll of duct tape around his/her mouth.
  5. If you fought or ran you are dead go to the end. If you try to help… you survive, and your friend escapes! However, the man roars and lungs at your throat, and you are instantly knocked unconscious.
  6. When you wake up you are in a small, circular room. In front of you, you see a rotting wooden staircase, a desolate stone hallway, and a thin rope ladder. Which would you rather choose to follow?
  7. If you choose the wooden staircase or the rope ladder you are dead go to the end. If you go in the stone hallway, you’ll see shimmering white figures floating towards you. They seem to hate you… GHOSTS!
  8. If you stab them you are dead, go to the end. The figures laugh mockingly and glide towards you. One manages to outrun you and glides in front of you . Wherever you turn, a ghost lands in front of you. You are trapped!
  9. If you fainted you are dead, go to the end. You manage to get out safely and back home, and decide never to enter a haunted house-ever again! How does that sound, Fearless?
  10. Thanks for taking my quiz!

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Quiz topic: Will I survive a haunted house?
