Will William Afton like you?

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Hey everyone! I'm Deathtrap and this is my first quiz with my hubby William Afton! I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think. I will post whenever I can, but I'm pretty busy with stuff....

Anywho...I have to write something in here or else it won't let me post. Let's see........Just be yourself. Don't just randomly pick answers to get what you want. That's not how this works..

Created by: Deathtrap
  1. Would you kill?
  2. ME: Hey Will! Get over here! WILLIAM: Yes my love? (Me and Will are married but anyway...)ME: Ask this person a question. WILLIAM: OK I guess..Uhm. What do you do for fun?
  3. WILLIAM: Can I ask another? ME: Sure!^^WILLIAM: If you saw me getting springlocked, what would you do?
  4. Favorite color?
  5. Favorite food?
  6. WILL: How many kids did I kill?
  7. MIKE: Let me ask one!! ME: OK. Go ahead...MIKE: Do you like my dad? WILL: *Splutters* MICHAEL TERRANCE AFTON! MIKE: *Laughs*
  8. Favorite animatronic?
  9. Favorite weapon?
  10. ME: Final question!!FNAF songs?
  11. ME: All done!! WILL: Now its just us~ ME: *blushes* Not now..

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