Will u survive the zombies

Can u survive? Thanks this is a very long extremely ridiculously pointless sentence so I reach the 150 charather minimum because I can't think of a 150 charather description!

Maybe or maybe not! Thanks this is a very long extremely ridiculously pointless sentence so I reach the 150 charather minimum because I can't think of a 150 charather description!

Created by: The hax0r

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Where do you live
  2. What is the best weapon you have
  3. How expirinced are you with guns?
  4. Where will you go?
  5. Where will you get food
  6. There is a huge horde coming towards your home. You ran out of ammo
  7. There's 5 bears outside your home
  8. You find a dead zombie
  9. You find a supermarket with zombies inside but you see food inside
  10. Did you like this quiz (no effect on score)

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