Will I be like FUNnel Vision

This quiz is about finding out if you have what it takes to be like FUNnel Vision!! Funnel vision is a well known youtube channel, they work hard to us happy!!

If they are to sucseed in that, which in my case they do, it makes them happy cause they made us happy! Also good channels to check out are funne bunch, funnel vision, dingle hoperzz, fgteev, doughmuchfun and skylander boy and girl!

Created by: Lexi Henderson
  1. What will you call your kids
  2. What is your pearsonality
  3. Which is more like Inportant
  4. How many kids do you want
  5. What sized house do you want
  6. Do you want a YouTube channel
  7. What kind of partner do you want
  8. Have you been to college
  9. Are you good with technology
  10. Are you competitive

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