will he ever like you

love is all around us, but many others don't know the meaning of love, love is willing to die for your true mate, seeing the world in a beautiful way with this person is also another meaning of love.

Do you want to know if he loves you or not? well thanks to this amazing quiz you'll be able to know if he loves you or not just in a few minutes with out even asking him!

Created by: narmer
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you pretty
  2. do you have a big lip
  3. what color is your hair
  4. whats your eye color
  5. how long is your hair
  6. does he talk to you
  7. when he see's you what does he do
  8. what do you do when you see him
  9. whats your personality
  10. when you talk whats his reaction

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