wich total drama ation carecter are you

hay wanna know what total drama action carecter are you well this is the quiz for you it asks you 11 questions about things i came up with but dont lie or the results will be wrong

are you a total drama ation fan? if you are this quiz will tell you wich total drama carecter you are! so i hope this will be a fun quiz for you have fun!!

Created by: bill
  1. why do you're frends hang out with you?
  2. what carecter do you hope you get that is most like you?
  3. what discribes you're persenality
  4. what is love to you?
  5. what kind of clothes do you whear?
  6. what is the reason you would go on total drama ation?
  7. are you enjoying this so far?
  8. whats you're favorite food?
  9. what thing have you kissed so far?
  10. what is a talent you have?
  11. how do you act in school

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Quiz topic: Wich total drama ation carecter am I