wich sams charecter are you (not very accurate)

hi i hope you like the quiz it may not be very accurate tho hope you have good time!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) have funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by the way this was made by a 10 year old can we be besties unless u get eclipse then im throwing holy water on u!!!!!!>:(and if you get bloodmoon then stay away from me ok!!!

Created by: isabelle
  1. witch sun and moon show charecter is your favorate
  2. witch one is your least favorate
  3. what is your favorate color
  4. who do you want to get?
  5. do you like kids?
  6. did you like the quiz!
  7. you are cool!
  8. byeeeeee!
  9. you did good lets see the result
  10. :)

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Quiz topic: Wich sams charecter am I (not very accurate)
