Wich one of my friends are you?

Who are you? Are you pshycotic, artistic, techy, helpful, or obsessed? I can tell you, because all my friends are! Have you ever thought deep, into pain and feeling? Well, this quiz doesn`t do that at all.

My friends are crazy. They might all represent something. We should write a book. What should it be about? Tell me in comments. I like to read books about cats. Cats are cool. I like warriors books. Yep.

Created by: S_E_
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. No recess or activities that happen during recess this week.
  2. Everyone in school has turned against you and want you dead.
  3. Time to play...
  4. choose:
  5. I need:
  6. Warriors question: You are a medicene cat who has kits. What do you do?
  7. Snow!
  8. Summer!
  9. Your little sibling destroys your most prized possesion.
  10. You are:
  11. This quiz is:

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Quiz topic: Wich one of my friends am I?