Wich one loves you more?

This quiz can tell you who loves you more. Either Itachi or Sasuke!You will either be in love with Sasuke or Itachi! SO take this quiz and find out. I bet you can't wait! You just want to do it so bad well go on and do it and please rate this quiz also!

If you want a true answer then you will have to answer honestly. If not you might not get the true answer. You should like this quiz if not then sorry about that I will try to make it better.

Created by: Bethany
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You see Sasuke being beat up by Itachi. you
  2. Sasuke comes and kisses you. you
  3. Itachi brings you a bunch of flowers you
  4. Do you love Sasuke?
  5. Do you love Itachi?
  6. If u could marry one wich would it be
  7. What is your favorite color?
  8. Are you bored now?
  9. You are surrounded by the rain village ninja. who comes to save you?
  10. Was this Quiz fun?

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