wich is your pet

most animal bend and twist into peoples harts but there is an easier way to pick your perfect pet .hint. so take this test for an easier way to explore

you are a wonderful pet owner.SO GO GET THE PET YOU LOVE OR AND I MEAN OR THE PET YOU DEPLY AND REALLY MEAN DEPPLY Desire. Your very young or old you may or may not have much time to do what you want..

Created by: gina of outlook.com
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you allergic to one of these animals?
  2. do you despise any of the following animals?
  3. do you like animals?
  4. do you have any pets?
  5. are unicorns real
  6. do insects bother you?
  7. do you get annoyed by animals?
  8. relevant to the questions?
  9. boo?
  10. hi

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Quiz topic: Wich is my pet