why do you hate everyone?

many people hate others. it is their duty to be haters. but here, finally is a guide to see why haters hate you. use this carefully, and remember, with your help, nagging can come to an end. please call this toll free number to help end nagging.

if anyone reads these, then wow. i really hate the intro part because it is too long and too much work. my favorite color is green because green is cool. like my mad skills at rambling. adios!!

Created by: llama
  1. if someone asked u a question that you didn't hear, what would u say?
  2. what is your best friends name
  3. if you could any of these to kill your worst enemy, what would it be?
  4. what was the reason for the last time u got beat up
  5. what pet suits you best
  6. how many languages do you speak
  7. what is your home page?
  8. if you had to get a tatoo, what would it be of?
  9. if you had to be trapped on a desert island for 3 years, what would u bring?
  10. last question...

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Quiz topic: Why do I hate everyone?