who will i marry

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are you loving and caring like i am or not so much i will tell you this that if you want a good family then marry a good family then marry the nice guy and you will have your man.

Created by: Tyna DeMaio
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you want to marry a drinker or not
  2. do you want him to beat you
  3. do you want to have sex all the time
  4. do you want him to beat yor kids
  5. do you want to have some nice kids or no
  6. do you want him to take you out alot
  7. do you want him to bring you flowers
  8. will you love him
  9. will you have dinner made special for him
  10. will you have kids together and love them

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