Who's your Naruto boyfriend?

Come to the the majestic land of ninja clashes in the hot pursuit for romance and passion. Discover your love in the world of Naruto, it could be anyone.

In this you cam find the truth with endless possibilities and astonishing answers. Who knows what you'll get maybe you won't expect it, love is strange after all.

Created by: xitlalli
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your favorite color?
  2. Who do you tink you'll get?
  3. What doo you look for in a guy?
  4. What's your favorite food?
  5. How do you fight?
  6. What is your preferred date?
  7. How would he kiss you?
  8. what is your favorite jutsu?
  9. What's your favorite animal
  10. How did you meet him?

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Quiz topic: Who's my Naruto boyfriend?