who's your dream girl

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im a good quiz maker.... im a good quiz maker.... im a good quiz maker.... im a good quiz maker.... That is wat you tell yourself if you make bad quizes. I dont say that.

Are YOU a single player? Do you have the guts to kiss? Until now you could only wonder. How about talking to a counsler or an eletric eel.

Created by: Marlos
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your fav. book genre?
  2. What's your fav sport?
  3. Do you have a secret crush?
  4. Do you love yaoi?
  5. What's your fav network?
  6. What's your race?
  7. How much do you love?
  8. Are you a girl?
  9. How do you say hello?
  10. Saying hi to your dream is hard. How do you kiss them and where?

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Quiz topic: Who's my dream girl