who really knows me best

there are so many smart people but in this world but i really wanted to see how many their really was so thats why i made up this quiz some people say they know so much about u but i want them to take my quiz and find out how much do they really know about me.

how smart are you?? i made this the name cause i wanted to see if people are really smart when it comes down to me people say they know me like the back of their hand so i made this quiz to find out if that is really true cause people do lie and some do tell the truth

Created by: chelle
  1. what is my fave color
  2. what is my mans first name
  3. what is my nicc name
  4. what color is my room
  5. whats my fave hobby
  6. what is my fave candy
  7. my fave character
  8. how many kids do i want
  9. what do i want my girls name to be
  10. wat do i want my sons name to be
  11. what is my nices name
  12. what is my nephews name
  13. what is my middle name
  14. what is my fave drink
  15. what is my fave movie
  16. who is my bestfriend
  17. where was i born and raised at

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